Friday, October 7, 2011

Conference Reflective Post

To start off, I am for the most part pleased with this class. It has met most of my expectations with the exception of the difficulty level. I am open minded knowing Algebra 1 concepts will increase in difficulty, but so far with 2-3 question assessments, and simple review topics, I find the class not pushing me to my full potential. The topics we discuss in class are going well for me right now. Even if the concept is a little bit new, it takes little time to catch on. One challenge is that I do not have as many friends in that class as other classes, but am working on that. One thing you could do as a teacher that would benefit me as well as the rest of the class is check/grade the homework you assign, especially videos and self check questions. I have noticed not a ton of people do as much of the homework you give as you might want them too, and I think this might tempt them to do it. As a student, I can help myself by completing the class notes fully, and to the best of my ability as well as asking questions when I'm stumped. My parents are helpful to me when I need it but haven't needed to help me with much work at all. I don't believe there is anything else to say about this class so this concludes my Conference Reflective Post.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Alison.

    I agree, this class is probably not pushing you to your full potential. It will get harder as we go along, but do you have any ideas of how to make it more worthwhile for you now?

    As far as checking homework, I will do that occasionally (like I did today), but my philosophy is really not to do that too often (I believe I blogged about that before on the class blog). I don't want to look over my students' shoulders, I try to respect them enough to let them take responsibility for their own actions. We'll see how that works.
